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Featured Resources

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The NCS3 develops and distributes resources that promote

Safe Supportive Schools.  

School Mental Health
  • School Mental Health Quality Guide: Screening - This guide is a part of a collection of resources developed by the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine for The SHAPE System. The Quality Guides provide guidance to help school mental health systems advance the quality of their services and supports. This guide contains background information on school mental health screening, best practices, possible action steps, examples from the field, and resources.


  • School Mental Health Quality Guide: Mental Health Promotion Services & Supports (Tier 1) - This is part of a collection of resources developed by the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine for The SHAPE System. The Quality Guides provide guidance to help school mental health systems advance the quality of their services and supports. This guide contains background information on mental health promotion services, best practices, possible action steps, examples from the field, and resources.


  • School Mental Health Quality Guide: Early Intervention and Treatment (Tiers 2 & 3) -This document is part of a collection of resources developed by the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) for The SHAPE System. The Quality Guides provide guidance to help school mental health systems advance the quality of their services and supports. This guide contains background information on tiers 2 and 3 for early intervention and treatment services and supports, best practices, possible action steps, examples from the field, and resources.

Cultural Responsiveness and Equity
  • Complex Trauma: In Urban African-American Children, Youth, and Families - This fact sheet presents ideas for providers on building supportive relationships with African American children and families who have experienced complex trauma. The document discusses how African American families living in economically disadvantaged communities must also cope with the effects of historical trauma and barriers to obtaining needed resources.



Trauma-Informed Schools
  • Addressing Race and Trauma in the Classroom - This guide helps educators understand how they might address the interplay of race and trauma and its effects on students in the classroom. The guide outlines recommendations for educators and offers a list of supplemental resources.


  • Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators – This resource provides educators with tips and suggestions for working with youth who are experiencing traumatic stress. While providing educators with the foundational knowledge needed to understand the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on school-aged children.


  • The Trauma Responsive Schools Implementation Assessment (TRS-IA) - This is a quality improvement tool developed by the NCTSN Treatment and Services Adaptation Center for Resilience, Hope, and Wellness in Schools and the National Center for School Mental Health. The TRS-IA is an evidence-informed self-assessment that comprises the eight key domains listed below. Administration time is less than 20 minutes. Feedback reports and comprehensive guides will be generated to support schools and districts as they work to enhance their trauma-responsive programming.

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